Yay, You Made It!

You've heard it takes a village, right? Well now that you're here, our village feels a little more complete. 

Hey There, 

Super Hero!

We are so excited you're here! Clearly you got the super-secret memo meant for heroes ready to change the lives of all the tiny humans. We were afraid it might not reach you, but it did, woot woot! This must be how all the people of Gotham felt when the Bat Signal was high in the sky and their favorite hero responded. But of course you came (we never really doubted it), you are amazing!

Here's the deal, we know the mission we're on is BIG, as in....change the world, big. But now that we have YOU on board, we know we'll get there. There are a number of ways you can help us reach our goal of changing the lives of kiddos, families and communities the world over. Whether it's teaching in the community or at home, or bringing your kiddo to an in-person class (while taking advantage of our free parent course), we're so grateful you're here. 

Please fill out the form below and let us know in what way you're most interested in engaging with us and we'll shoot you an email (practically at the speed of light, or at least as fast as your favorite super hero flies) with information and links to get started. 

We know you're here because you believe in this work, but all the same....we're glad you answered the call. 

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