Certified Guide training begins in Novemer, 2024!
The ESP Certification Course is your opportunity to become certified as an Emotional Super Powers® Guide. The course is online and self-paced, and once complete you'll have access to it for as long as you remain a member with Emotional Super Powers®. The course guides you through a learning process similar to what the children will receive in terms of information, in addition to giving you a chapter by chapter overview of the curriculum and best practices for teaching. Following completion of the course you'll receive a link that will allow you to purchase kits for students and begin teaching.
The certification course covers:
- Course Content: curriculum, handouts, assets in digital instructor's kit
- Marketing Assets: graphics, webpage template, business cards and more
- Prepare you for the emotional journey you, as a Guide, may experience through your instruction
You'll also receive access to the app and our 30-day journey, Radical Resilience.
Don't miss this opportunity to become certified in Emotional Super Powers® and positively impact the children in your community. Once the course goes live, you'll receive a link via email to access it.